Hands on textile fun

Pretty in pink with Nerida Dean.


MEMBERS of the public are being encouraged to come along to the annual open day of the Armidale Spinners and Weavers Group Inc.
The day of textile fun will take place at The Skillshare Building, Armidale Showground, from 9am this Saturday.
President of the Group, Merryn Twemlow said that there will be demonstrations of Spinning on different types of wheels, drop spindle spinning, weaving, felting and free form (scrumbling).
“We will also have workshops on the day, with kits for “hands-on” microwave dyeing for sale and felted balls workshop for the children – young and old,” she said.
The Club will have second-hand spinning wheels for sale $100 each, with free lessons on offer to anyone who purchases one.
A diverse, colourful range of fibres and yarns will be available. Morning and afternoon teas will be available.

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