Joyce backs Guyra dementia wing

THE new Federal Member for New England Barnaby Joyce announced last week that the Federal Government will contribute $500,000 to the establishment of a new dementia wing at the Kolora aged care facility in Guyra.
What was a pledge from the then National Party candidate for New England is now a reality with the Liberal/National Party sweeping to power last Saturday.
Kolora is a not-for-profit organisation operated through the Guyra Shire Council. Its first aged care units were opened in 1982 by the then National Party Member for New England, Ian Sinclair.
Kolora boasts a complex of seven self-care units and a 22 room aged care hostel with 21 permanent beds and one respite room.
The current facility is now scheduled for expansion to keep up with growing demands.
The council has received approval to build a new 32-bed facility, proposed to be co-located with the Guyra Multi-Purpose Service (MPS).
With the assistance of this Coalition contribution, this facility will also include a specific eight-bed dementia wing.
“Aged care is important to all Australians, and particularly those in our regions,” Mr Joyce said. “Kolora has over the past 30 years provided vital services to the people of Guyra through these facilities and the support it gives the aged in their later years.
“The addition of this new wing will greatly enhance Kolora’s ability to provide the best care possible to those residents affected by dementia.
“Dementia is an awful affliction that not only affects the person, but also their families. I think all of us have in some way experienced the mental decline of a once vibrant relative or friend. It is saddening and upsetting for all concerned,” Mr Joyce said.
“This is why it is so important for facilities such as Kolora to be available – and particularly so in regional areas where access to specialist care is far less accessible than it is in the cities.”

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