Off to a great start

HOBBIT Preschool and Child Care Centre is a community-based, non-profit organisation providing early childhood care and education for children aged from two to five years of age.
Hobbit’s operating hours are from 8am until 6pm.
The centre is owned by the Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club Ltd, and managed by the Servies Management board, the CEO and Centre Director with assistance from the Parent Advisory Group.
“Hobbit has a long tradition as a community-based Centre and is very much a preschool and child care facility for the Armidale community as a whole,” Director Angela Vines said.
“Our children and families come from a wide range of multicultural backgrounds and this is authentically reflected through our philosophy and programs.
“Hobbit offers an environment where children and their families feel welcomed, valued, respected and appreciated.”
In 2012 Hobbit was assessed against the National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and was rated as “Meeting National Quality Standard (M)”.
This rating was awarded in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
“Hobbit provides a natural, sustainable and stimulating learning environment that provokes wonder and exploration, and encourages children to develop an awareness and understanding of the world around them, and the impact people make,” Ms Vines said.
“Hobbit is proud of the experienced and well trained educators who encourage each child’s developmental potential and endeavor to make each child’s experience at Hobbit a unique and memorable one.”

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