On a mission for kids


SINCE it began, the Hadley Cycles Ride for Sick Kids has raised more than $1.8 million, and this year 25 cyclists are riding across more than 550km for seriously ill children at Ronald McDonald Houses in Newcastle and Tamworth,
The event also raises funds for the new Family Room at Gosford Hospital and Forster Family Retreat. This year, the aim was to exceed $2 million. Funds raised are still being tallied.
The ride began in Glen Innes last Tuesday and concluded at Ronald McDonald House Newcastle, on Saturday.
Over the five-day course, the cyclists’ stopovers were Armidale, Tamworth, Muswellbrook, Singleton, visiting seven schools along the way.
According to Ride for Sick Kids organisers, those who have benefited from Ronald McDonald House view it ’as family’ or a second home in a time of need.
“Community support is vital for Ronald McDonald House to continue to be a shoulder of support, a person to talk to, a glimmer of hope,” organiser Ross Bingham said.

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