Arts News

A FILM about a slick salesman who arrives in a rural town to snap up farmland, so his multi-national employer can siphon off the natural gas by ‘fracking’. Resistance by a local old-timer, a spunky environmentalist and an attractive school teacher leads him to question his motives. A fund-raiser presented by Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas and Mining under the umbrella of Sustainable Living Armidale. Belgrave Cinema on Thursday 12 September at 7pm. Tickets $16; contact Jan Brahe 0423 481 805 or
A PICTURE might be worth a thousand words but before computers came along, the work that went into preparing a picture for print was extraordinary. An illustrated talk based on extensive oral history interviews by Dr Benjamin Thorn. On Thursday 12 September at 6pm. Museum of Printing NERAM
CIRCUS Olympia debuts at the Armidale Showground with performing horses and pigeons, clowns, acrobats and children – the lot. Playing Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September at 7.30pm, Saturday at 2pm and Sunday at 1pm. Bookings:
0427 513 030 or
OPEN Day on Saturday 14 September, from 9am onwards at the Skillshare Building, Armidale Showground, Dumaresq St. with demonstrations of all kinds of spinning and weaving. Exotic workshops in microwave dyeing and felted ball making for young and old. Free lessons to would-be spinners. Fibres and yarns available – and refreshments for the weary. Merryn Twemlow: 6772 8795, Robyn Ellis: 6775 2103
BLACK Gully Printmakers and Linda Lockyear will show their work in two new exhibitions at the Armidale Art Gallery. Black Gully Printmakers are united by a common desire to “impress marks on paper”. They meet on Thursday nights in the Packsaddle Studio NERAM to print, critique each others’ work and discuss topics of artistic interest. Also opening is Led by Light, featuring the paintings of Linda Lockyear, which have been inspired by both the physical light of the New England landscape and also the ‘light’ of people who have inspired the artist through “knowledge of art and life”. Opens Saturday 14 September at 6pm.
AN adaptation of Moliere’s comic masterpiece directed by Alex Robson and featuring youthful students from Felt Tip Theatre Company. Four performances on Thursday 26, Friday 27 and Saturday 28 September at 7.30pm and a matinee on Saturday 28 September at 1pm at the Hoskins Theatre, TAS. Tickets: $20/$15 from Carrs newsXpress in Central Mall or online: The poster, showing a jaunty black moustache on a pastel background, tickles the fancy!
‘I CAN’T Believe This Took 15 Years’ is an evening of poetry, prose and music by Bob Thompson for Poezince, on Tuesday 1 October at The Railway Hotel. Meals at Trax from 6pm onwards, with the performance commencing at 7.30pm.
FILL a shoebox with leftover things from around the house and bring Christmas joy to kids who never get presents. Toys, thongs, marbles, pencils, skipping ropes, bangles, sunglasses, books, hats, teddies are just some of the items that can be donated to Operation Christmas Child a project of Samaritan’s Purse – a Christian aid organisation. Millions of children in more than 98 countries receive a shoebox filled with gifts. Contact Mariea Stannard 0427 456 848 or email

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