Thai tour forges ties

Damien Leath is at the Soundlounge tonight.


A DELEGATION of 54 people from Nakhon Si Thammarat Province in Southern Thailand was welcomed to Armidale at an official ceremony in the Armidale Dumaresq Council Chambers last Thursday.
Mayor Jim Maher and his wife Nina along with Armidale Dumaresq General Manager Shane Burns warmly welcomed the delegation who included the deputy governor of the province, mayors, deputy mayors, principals and teachers.
The tour was partly sponsored by the Rotary Club of Uralla who hosted the visitors overnight. During their visit they toured Duval High School before returning to Sydney for sight-seeing and the return flight home.
“It has been wonderful to establishing this relationship with our visitors from Thailand,” Jim Maher said.
“Representatives from UNE were also at the official ceremony with the delegation of teachers and principals keen to establish links with the university.”
Jim Maher is keen to establish strong ties with Thailand and believes it is in Armidale’s best interest to forge lasting relationships with Asian countries.
“I know there is some interest in Thailand for Australian wines,” Jim Maher said.
“Meetings have taken place with a major supermarket chain in Thailand who have shown interest in sampling Australian wines in particular Armidale wines.
“I believe there is a great opportunity for us to showcase our education, wool and textiles, local produce, English language training and tourism into China and Thailand and it is through trips like this that you do develop that good will and connection.”

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