SLA promotes change

On September 24, Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) joined with 2000 other groups in 175 countries to hold local events to publicise our commitment to cut C02 emissions.  Each event included taking and posting a photo.
“Two years ago we planted trees, this year we rode bicycles: planted trees to absorb CO2 and beautify our city, rode bikes to cut travel emissions to get us to work, meet friends, exercise and  ride right to where we want to shop,” said Tom Fisher, who helped organise the event.
“The web site, is a site of happiness. Photographs from around the globe demonstrate a willingness to embrace change. They testify to our human ingenuity, humour, love of colour and beauty, and the joy of social action.”
While the impetus is serious: to try to return greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a level most scientists think would be safe (350 parts per million), the gathering in Armidale was joyful.
“There is great power in acting collectively and in feeling the support of friends and strangers,” said Patsy Asch.

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