Boarder’s top result


BOARDING at PLC Armidale was the “best decision” according to Catherine Thomas, who capped off her stellar senior years with the school’s dux award.
The Glen Innes boarder said she hoped her three years at the girls’ school would pave the way for a successful career in medicine.
Having just completed her HSC, Catherine said she had no time to celebrate, with interviews with the University of NSW and the University of Newcastle in the coming weeks.
“I’ve decided over the last few years that I want to get into medicine, in particular pediatrics,” she said.
Not one to take any chances, Catherine has arranged to speak to successful students who went through the interview process to get a grasp on the process ahead of her.
It’s a quality that earnt her PLC’s dux award and many other gongs during her three-year stint at the school.
“I think the teachers at PLC deserve a lot of credit, they have been really supportive,” she said.
Not only was the boarding house captain a brilliant scholar, but she also excelled on the sporting fields.
Catherine captained PLC’s successful netball team this season, while she also won the prestigous Lawton Trophy at the school’s sports awards on Friday night.
The Lawton Trophy recognises a student’s dedication and consistent effort to netball.
For more pictures and a full wrap of the sports awards, turn to page 19.

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