Funding push


THE $60 MILLION redevelopment of the Armidale Hospital is back in the frame, with New England MP Barnaby Joyce set to meet federal health minister Peter Dutton in Canberra to discuss potential funding.
Plans have already been drawn up to overhaul the delapidated hospital and $10 million has been set aside for the redevelopment by the State Government.
However, NSW health minister Jillian Skinner says that money is only there on the proviso the Federal Government chips in $50 million.
Mr Joyce said he had approached the office of Federal health minister Peter Dutton and a meeting between the two ministers to discuss the project was being finalised.
“Like anything in government, it is important to get on the front foot with these issues,” Mr Joyce said.
“I understand the importance of this hospital development to the Armidale community and have begun speaking to the relevant people and following the necessary channels to lobby for this project.”
It’s believed Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall will also be invited to the meeting between federal ministers.
Armidale Hospital manager Dona Withnell said the capital redevelopment of Armidale Hospital remained a high priority for Hunter New England Health.
“Plans to redevelop Armidale Hospital remain current and can be used if funding is made available,” she said.
“In the meantime, Armidale Hospital’s services are being further improved.
“Five new doctors have been recruited in the past five months and work is progressing on the new $8 million three-storey ambulatory care building, which will provide a new chemotherapy unit with additional treatment places, and purpose-built rooms for chronic disease management and ambulatory care services (outpatient clinics),” Ms Withnell said..
“Staff at Armidale Hospital provide a great service to the community and the hospital consistently performs well. For example, the hospital’s NEAT (national emergency access target) performance is well above the state target.”
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