Gala celebrates acumen

ARMIDALE’S creativity was on full display as two businesses claimed gongs at the Regional Development Australia Northern Inland Innovation gala awards on Friday night.
Held in Tamworth, it was Armidale that took centre stage, with the Innovation of the Year award going to ICT International.
The Mann Street-based business prides itself on 21st century thinking and was duly rewarded in front of a big crowd at the Wests Leagues Club.
ICT International employs scientists that create precision equipment for fellow scientists; technological solutions for soil, plant, water and environmental monitoring. Up to 20 per cent of the company’s annual turnover over the past eight years has gone into research and design.
ICT’s innovations have transformed the business from an importer of soil and plant instrumentation to an exporter of its own.
What has been developed by ICT is unique and demand is global, with exports to 45 countries each year. Staffing levels have grown from six to 21 in the past four years.
Managing director Peter Cull said the recognition meant a great deal to his team.
“This accolade is important for our business, particularly as such awards add credibility and a point of difference when starting a new overseas business relationship,” he said.
Armidale’s Petersons Winery was voted best in the tourism-leisure category.
Not only has the vineyard-guesthouse built a repuation for producing top-class wine, but it has also been a successful host of the popular Day on the Green music festival, which this year featured Paul Kelly and Neil Finn.
Regional Development Australia’s Northern Inland chair Mal Peters said it was important for the community to recognise and promote how businesses are being innovative and what sets them apart.
“This fantastic awards program attracted 49 top quality entries from every major centre in the region and almost 140 people attended the awards night to hear their success stories,” he said.

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