In select company

ARMIDALE student Sam Doyle wants to be a doctor – and the 16-year-old will have the chance to explore the medical world in detail after being chosen to attend the National Youth Science Forum in Canberra in January.
Chosen from a field of almost 1300 applicants nationally and 20 locally going into Year 12 in 2014, Sam, a student at The Armidale School, was nominated by the Rotary Club of Armidale North and selected following a rigorous process of interviews and scientific challenges.
He said he was looking forward to mixing with some of the brightest young minds in the country at the forum, which is co-ordinated by Rotary International through its 23 districts across the country.
Forum sessions offer a mix of laboratory visits at university and industrial research facilities, as well as the opportunity to meet and talk with leaders from the scientific world.
Participants also engage in a series of energetic debates where they question the legal, political, and ethical implications of science’s hottest topics.
“Science gives you an understanding of how things work in the world, and for me, how the body works is of particular interest,” Sam said.
“The forum will also be fascinating to gain insight into the scientific world more generally and the work of those at the top particularly in terms of research and what science can offer society in the future.”
TAS headmaster Murray Guest congratulated Sam on his selection.
“Selection is a rigorous and competitive process, so Sam has achieved very well indeed. The school wishes him well for what will certainly be an intense and rewarding week.”

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