Orchestra finale

LAZENBY Hall’s doors have been thrown open for the Armidale Youth Orchestra’s final gala concert on Sunday.
It’s the first time the University of New England venue will be used by the orchestra and, for many of the musicians, this will be the largest and most watched performance of their lives.
UNE chief operating officer David Cushway offered a donation-in-kind for the use of the hall, as well as some funds to help with the transport of some of the large instruments that are difficult to move.
“We are very happy to be able to offer our support to the Armidale Youth Orchestra,” Mr Cushway said.
“Lazenby Hall is a great space, and it’s a pleasure to know it is being utilised for important community events such as this.
“There’s a lot of talent amongst these young musicians and I’m sure this is going to be a really fantastic concert.”
The concert will also be something of a swansong for some of the musicians, some of whom will be leaving the orchestra this year as they go on to pursue their further studies and careers.
Among those playing for the last time with the orchestra is Eliza Scott, who has been part of the Armidale group since she was in Year 3 at school.
She said young people in Armidale were lucky to have such fantastic music opportunities.
“A lot of people think that living in a country town means you don’t have the same opportunities as people in the big cities,” she said.
“I think it’s the opposite: we are encouraged to try harder and we’re given opportunities at all levels that are probably even better than kids have in Sydney.
The Armidale Youth Orchestras gala concert begins at 2.30pm on Sunday at Lazenby Hall with an afternoon tea to follow.
Tickets are available to purchase at the door on the day, or at www.trybooking.com/DSJR

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