Tough girls ride in

AUSTRALIAN champion Nichole Fitzpatrick headlines a star-studded line-up of cowboys and cowgirls at Saturday’s Armidale Four Seasons Rodeo.
Fitzpatrick will be the woman to beat in the barrell racing, breakaway roping and steer undecorator events after she claimed top honours in the categories last year.
The Willow Tree competitor is one of the toughest on the rodeo circuit and her performances are not to be missed on Saturday night.
Armidale Rodeo Association president Adam Hone said this weekend’s rodeo had attracted big entries.
“We have 327 entries for the events on Saturday and 172 entries for Sunday’s junior rodeo,” he said.
Thirty cowboys will compete for honours in the open bull ride, while 24 will tackle the steer wrestling.
Good numbers have been received for the women’s barrel racing and breakaway roping events, too.
The action starts at the Armidale Showground at 2pm Saturday, with the main event starting at 5.30pm.
The junior action on Sunday runs from 9am until noon.

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