More nurses recruited for local hospitals

Ten new nursing and midwifery graduates have been appointed to the Armidale, Glen Innes, Inverell and Warialda hospitals.

Six have been recruited to Armidale, one each to Glen Innes and Warialda and two to the Inverell Hospital and will start work this month.

“This will go some way towards addressing the nurse/patient ratio in country hospitals, which is still below metropolitan figures,” said Member for Northern Table-lands Richard Torbay.

“It is pleasing to see the government come good on its election promise to raise the numbers of nurses in the State’s public hospitals by 2475 in its first term.

“This latest recruitment brings the total to 500 more than that and I would urge the government to continue this program and to give country areas a priority in any future allocations.”

The MP said he would be addressing the need for upgrades of the Inverell and Glen Innes hospitals when Parliament meets later this month.

The debate has been triggered by more than 10,000 signatures gathered for a local petition urging the government to support the redevelopment of both hospitals.

“The health of country communities depends on good infrastructure and a well resourced work force,” he said.

“They go together. Modern, efficient hospitals will attract more doctors, nurses and allied health professionals.

“I will be urging the State to work collaboratively with the Commonwealth to establish a new capital funding model for district hospitals which have missed out in recent rounds, that have largely favoured big hospitals and Multi Purpose Health Services in smaller centres.”

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