Police launch International student Facebook and Weibo pages

A New South Wales Police Force International Students Facebook and Weibo page have been established to promote safety whilst living and studying.

In 2012, there were some 192,000 international students in New South Wales from 165 different countries.

The International Students Facebook site will have an array of proactive crime prevention messages and advice for students.

This information will aim to prepare students on how to be safe whilst in New South Wales and also to reassure families that police will work with the students to assist them while they are here. These sites can be accessed even before the students come to Australia.

A Weibo (Chinese equivalent of Twitter and Facebook) page has also been established in the Mandarin language to help police communicate to the large Chinese community in NSW, be that locals, students or tourists.

“We are always looking to improve our communication with the international students of the University of New England.

“Ensuring they have access to our services is a major priority for the New England Local Area Command,” said Superintendent Lyons of New England Police.

“Short, sharp, safety messages will be posted regularly on the site and we hope this communication will help us develop a closer bond with the Chinese community in New England Local Area Command,” Superintendent Lyons said.

The links to the pages are posted on our New England LAC Facebook page or can be accessed at:



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