Holcombe wins Australian Defence Force award

Tom Holcombe with his award from the Australian Defence Force which included a cheque for $3000.

A plan to restore electrical supplies at the same time as helping a community during a natural disaster has won Tom Holcombe a Defence Technical Scholarship worth $3000.
Tom, a Year 12 student at The Armidale School (TAS), won the award which required applicants to demonstrate their knowledge and under-standing of technical trades within the Australian Defence Force and how they can be applied in a real life situation.
This year the scenario was based on the provision of humanitarian support after a natural disaster affecting the hypothetical island of Napaj.
“I placed myself in the shoes of an electronics technician who was able to continue his role on the boat as well as help with the disaster effort. Due to the skills I had acquired in my training with the Forces, I had the ability to help with both restoring the supply of electricity to crucial points, at the same time helping with humanitarian aid,” Tom said.
While there is no obligation for recipients to apply to the defence forces, Tom said the process gave him an insight into learning more about what technical trades opportunities and career paths were available within the ADF. He said the money will be put aside for university fees in 2014, whatever course he chooses to study.
TAS Headmaster Murray Guest said it was worthy recognition for Tom, who came fifth in the State in Metals and Engineering in last year’s HSC as a Year 11 accelerant and is a school prefect and boarding house vice captain.
“With some 2300 applications, the selection process is very competitive and I congratulate Tom on his success,” Mr Guest said.

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