Armidale’s churches unite

Armidale’s eighth biannual gathering of all the churches will be held this Saturday night, with a special welcome to the 17 new people who work in church ministry in the city.
The 2012 Celebration of Prayer and Praise (CoPP) will bring together leaders and members of all the churches of Armidale to celebrate the richness they have in Christ, and to pray for their ministries, their churches and our community. Coordinated by the Prayer for Armidale Committee, the event has the full support of the Armidale Ministers’ Fellowship.
Dean Stephen Williams (Anglican Church) will welcome the newcomers and encourage Armidale’s Christians to labour together for the Kingdom of God in this city. Prayers will be led by Monsignor Ted Wilkes (Catholic Church), Dr Anita Monro (Uniting Church) and Dr David Logan (Armidale Community Church).
This year the theme is “Living Stones” drawing from Psalm 118:22, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the corner stone” and 1 Peter 2:5, “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”.
All Christians have a part to play, as small stones built on the rock of Christ, the Corner Stone, and need to be encouraged, while new stones (the new ministry people in town) will be welcomed and prayed for, that their ministry among us will be generous and fruitful.
Clergy who have come to Armidale since the last CoPP in 2010 include Most Rev Michael Kennedy (Catholic Bishop of Armidale); Rev Darrell Parker (St Mark’s, UNE); Rev Simon Reeve (St Peter’s Anglican Cathedral parish); Dr Andrew East (Church of Christ); Pastors Benjamin and Cathy Galindo (Seventh Day Adventists); Pastors Nick Smith, and Stan and Liz Williams (Armidale Community Church); and Lieutenant Ged Oldfield (Salvation Army). There are also a number of lay people working in auxiliary church roles, including scripture teaching, chaplaincy and AFES. Bishop-elect Rick Lewers (the new Anglican Bishop of Armidale) will commence his ministry in Armidale in a few weeks.
The 2012 CoPP will be held at the Dorothy Knox Centre at the Presbyterian Ladies’ College, this Saturday, May 19, from 7pm to 8.30pm. A Christian Expo will commence at 6pm with displays showing what churches are doing to serve Christ in Armidale and, after the main service, there will be refreshments and a concert from 9pm to 10.15pm.
Everyone is welcome. For inquiries, please contact the CoPP Coordinator, Graham East, 0421 081 756 or Email:

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