Next Anglican Bishop elected

Richard (Rick) Alexander Lewers will be the next Anglican Bishop of Armidale. Aged 53, he is currently the rector of St George’s parish, Engadine, where he has served since 2005. News of the election outcome was made public last Saturday afternoon about 3.30pm.
Representatives from parishes throughout the Anglican diocese of Armidale had gathered in Moree on the weekend for a Special Synod to elect the man to succeed Bishop Peter Brain, who will retire on April 1, 2012 in accordance with the statutory retiring age ordinance. Dr Brain’s Vicar General, Dean Stephen Williams of Armidale, presided at the Special Synod which was held at Moree to make it easier for synod members out west who are harvesting their crops to attend. About 40 clergy and 80 lay representatives from the parishes in the diocese participated in the election, which began on Friday night with a prayer service at which Dean Williams preached.
All Saints’ Church in Moree had been built with an eye to the future, to a time when it would be the cathedral in the centre of a new western diocese cut from the tablelands, but rural population decline resulted in the west remaining with the east, and the harvest resulted in an historical context for electors at the history-making Synod.
Clergymen from many parts of Australia had been approached during the last six months, and the list was reduced to just three candidates who allowed their names to be circulated and to be interviewed by members of the election synod. On Saturday morning, three names were proposed at the Special Synod, and the proposers spoke in support of their candidates and answered questions about them. The candidates themselves were not be present. Electors voted as members of the House of Clergy or the House of Laity, and Rick Lewers secured a majority in both Houses.
He had attended Caringbah High School and completed the Higher School Certificate at Gymea TAFE. After working in the Commonwealth Bank for eight years, he studied at Sydney Missionary Bible College and completed his Theology degree at Moore College in 1987. Ordained a deacon in Sydney in 1988, he served at St Luke’s parish, Liverpool after his ordination as a priest in 1989. His other appointments include service at St Matthew’s, Wanniassa, ACT, where he was also chaplain to the ACT Brumbies and Canberra Cosmos Soccer Club. His specialised works included three years as an evangelist on the staff at Evangelism Ministries (Department of Evangelism) in the Sydney diocese. He enjoys fishing and golf.
Rick and his wife Janine have three children: Nathan (a carpenter, is married to Rebecca); Rachel (a university student); and Jacob (who has just finished the HSC).
Next Wednesday’s Armidale Independent will have more stories about the bishop-elect.

Story: John Farrell

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