Gathering to celebrate healthy communities and oppose CSG mining

Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas is organising a celebration of community spirit to protest against coal and coal seam gas mining during the Lock the Gate National Week of Action from October 13 to 21. The event will be held at the Armidale Community Garden on Saturday, October 20, starting with a photo session at 3pm.
“The theme for this year’s Lock the Gate National Week of Action is ‘Healthy Communities’. The very fabric of our rural communities is at risk from mining, especially from coal and coal seam gas mining,” said Jan Brahe, one of the organisers. 
Organisers are urging everyone to be there at 3pm for a photo to show concerns and solidarity with communities directly affected by mining. Then there will be opportunities to work in the Community Garden, help plant seeds and participate in small group discussions about the health impacts of coal and gas mining.
Carmel Flint, a leading activist on coal and coal seam gas mining and one of the founding members of Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas will be providing an update on the state of the campaign to lock the gate and protect our land, our water and our communities.
The event will be family friendly and everyone is welcome to bring a picnic for afternoon tea and/or a guitar and protest songs. 
In addition, you can  join the koalas at Leard Forest for an afternoon of family fun on Sunday October 21 from 11am to 3pm. Kids, bring your favourite bear, there will be prizes for most loved teddy bear or soft toy
and best dressed bear. Only 2.5hrs from Armidale via Moonbi turnoff and Manilla shortcut.
For more information about the event at Leard State Forest on October 21 call Pat Schultz on 0248725852. For more information about the event at the Armidale Community Garden on October 20 call Bea Bleile on 0458 752 680.

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