Kasey calls in for music ‘fix’


BARRICADES and brick walls won’t keep country singer Kasey Chambers from breaking stereotypes.
From her humble beginnings of living out of a four-wheel drive on the Nullarbor to being named Australia’s best female artist over pop queen Kylie Minouge, Chambers is a true Aussie star.
Kasey Chambers will be performing at the Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club on Friday 25 October and although she has toured internationally, she says she is particularly looking forward to her upcoming trip to Armidale to sing what almost reflects a journey of her musical career.
“I am really looking forward to this tour, I will be performing with my band including my dad Bill Chambers, and close friend Ashleigh Dallas, who is from the New England area, we will be playing a little bit of everything,” she said.
Kasey Chambers released her first album ‘The Captain’ in 1999 soon after winning her first Aria, after that came many more successful albums. The very modest star claims that she never intended or had aspirations to be a professional singer.
“It was almost inevitable, I never set out to be a singer, I guess I fell into it,” she said.
“It is great to be doing something you love for a living though. If I wasn’t a singer I would be in child care, and with three kids of my own it’s like I got everything I ever wanted.”
Following on from her Armidale show, Chambers will travel to Laurieton and Lismore to perform. These small tours are what Kasey explains as her ‘fixes’ for music.
“I just love my Australian audience, don’t get me wrong, I love travelling to perform in Europe, but Australia is my home and I wouldn’t have it any other way. These tours are my little ‘fixes’ for music, when I really miss performing live for my fans.”
In addition to juggling three young children and touring, Kasey is also working on her next album as well as writing another child’s book.
“I have been planning to get this album out for a little while now, but I have had a little bit happening in my personal life over the last year. I’m also in the midst of co-writing my second children’s book, so exciting times ahead,” she said.
Although some may ‘pigeon-hole’ Kasey’s music as a genre of country music, she is able to incorporate many other musical styles into her music, thereby catering for a vast variety of tastes.
To experience Kasey’s musical talents, purchase tickets from reception at the Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club.

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