Servies girls win minor pairs carnival

Ruth McLennan of Banora Point.

New England Bowls With Richie Clutterbuck

WHAT a weekend it was for Kim Porter and Breanna Graham at the City club. The two Ex-Services players combined to be the only team to win all of their five games and finish with the $1200 first prize. After four rounds they along with Aaron McMillan and Thomas Inman were the only four-game winners however Aaron and Thomas fell at the last hurdle to finish second. Third place went to Claude McFayden and Max Henderson and fourth to South Tamworth visitors Chris Collins and Paul Cochrane. Bruce Witherdin and Dosser O’Connell finished fifth and Lucas and Brett Parsons sixth. The special Sunday morning prize went to Elfie Brunner and Barb Johnson.

Top bowlers in town
During November, clubs in the New England District will receive a visit from four of the best bowlers in the world. Australian representatives Steve Glasson, Kelvin Kerkow and Karen Murphy will join with Scottish international Kay Moran, and most clubs will already have their appearance dates.
I have been able to contact the players and instead of meeting players at the City club on Thursday 7 November the internationals will join in with members at a twilight bowls night on Wednesday 6 November starting at around 6pm.
We invite all bowlers and anybody interested to join in on the night. There is no charge and it will be a good opportunity to meet these champions and they will be only too happy to assist with any questions you have for them. And no doubt they will be available to offer advice on your game if you wish to talk to them. Ian Hopper from BCIB Insurance has arranged the visits and hopefully players will join them at all of our clubs.

The New England District annual meeting
The New England District will be holding its annual meeting at the Ex-Services club on Saturday 23 November and nominations forms for all positions have been forwarded to all clubs. For too long the running of the association has been left to the same men and its time that more players become involved in this area. Many complaints are received during the year about various aspects of the events and carnivals and here is your chance to help these same men who give up their time to make sure the association keeps running. Have a think about it and nominate for one of the various positions.

Glen Innes Rose Carnival
The very popular Glen Innes Rose carnival will be held from 6 to 10 November and prize-money totaling $5000 is on offer for the days. First up will be the three-bowl mixed pairs on 6 November followed by ladies’ two-bowl triples on 7 November, men’s two-bowl triples on 8 and 9 November and closing with mixed two-bowl triples on 10 November. Further details and entries are available from Kevin Beattie at the club. I will have a full report on the club challenge matches when I return from Geelong. Late news in is that Brian Lockyer and Matt Hamel were beaten in the final of the state reserve pairs on the last end.

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