Jigsaw pieces fall into place

Robyn Jackson and Barbara Ross from the Guyra Garden Club, John Ross and Lynne Walker, Chair of Friends of NERAM.

Friends of NERAM unveiled the Yellow Room Jigsaw fundraiser at the Art Museum on Friday night, August 31 to raise funds for the purchase of Margaret Olley’s The Yellow Room Triptych for NERAM’s Howard Hinton Collection and give people the chance to own a little piece of the famous artwork.
Lynne Walker, Chair of Friends of NERAM, was thrilled with the response and determined to help raise the rest of the funds needed to own the Margaret Olley masterpiece.
“We are over the halfway mark in our overall fundraising efforts and the Yellow Room Jigsaw fundraiser will contribute a further $45,500,” Ms Walker said.
“The response to this has been terrific and we can’t believe how well people have embraced it.”
Thirty-nine pieces have been sold so far, raising $26,000, with a further 51 puzzle pieces still available, ranging in price from $50 to $3000. If you are interested in owning a piece of the puzzle to help NERAM raise funds for the purchase of Margaret Olley’s The Yellow Room Triptych, come into NERAM and pick out your piece of the Yellow Room Jigsaw fundraiser puzzle.

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