Forum ignites future

THE Gomeroi Dance Group sparked proceedings at the opening ceremony of Lighting the Fire, an Aboriginal youth leadership event held at SportUNE.
Participants from across the Northern Region of the NSW Aboriginal Lands Council were aged between 16 and 24 years. For many, it was their first experience of being a part of this type of forum.
Co-ordinator Shannon Green said participants were inspired by their experiences and enthusiastic to become involved with decisions and discussions impacting on them and their community.
One year 12 student who participated realised that university was an option for her and was now going to work towards tertiary euction, Ms Green said.
A number of inspirational speakers, including well-known political figure Aden Ridgeway and former chair of the NSW Aboriginal Lands Council Bev Manton, spoke to the group.
They talked about the skills of leadership, the history of Aboriginal Land Rights Act, issues affecting Aboriginal youth and the way forward.
Armidale’s former NRL player Dean Widders attended with a number of young Aboriginal rugby league players who also participated in the forum.
“Everyone has ability, but what is your response going to be to that ability? What are you going to do with it? You’re got to make the most of it and make the most of every opportunity,” he said.
On hand to help mentor participants was NRL prop George Rose.
Other activities included drama, song writing, dance and art with renowned Aboriginal artist Bibi Barba (Evette Morgan) telling stories about her life and love of the land and how she expresses this through her paintings.

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