On the brink

ARMIDALE’S historic eisteddfod is on the brink of collapse after a poor turnout at the society’s annual general meeting.
The eisteddfod society is without an executive committee after president Susanne James resigned due to work committments.
Publicity officer John Hadfield said unless volunteers stood up for the roles of president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary and other positions, the eisteddfod would be doomed.
“The outgoing committee did a huge job over the past two years but cannot continue due to full time jobs, hence the call for new blood,” he said.
“Systems have been streamlined over the past two years that have made this signature event a great success in 2012 and 2013.”
Mr Hadfield said the society had two options.
“If a new executive committee is formed, a smaller eisteddfod could run with sections that had managers, like string or choral,” he said.
“If a committee is not formed, there can be no eisteddfod in 2014.”
Parents, teachers and community supporters are urged to attend a meeting on Monday at the Old Teacher’s College at 6.30pm and volunteer their services.

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