Scouts find a place to call home


TEN years after its clubhouse was burnt down, the Armidale Scout Group is finally getting a new permanent home.
The scouts have teamed up with the Armidale Rugby Club to build a multi-purpose facility at Moran Oval.
Armidale-based regional development officer Thea Zwiebel said it was a great relief for the group, who had struggled to find a base after its home was burnt down in 2004.
“It’s great that the rugby club are doing their part,” she said.
“If all goes to plan we are hoping to be in there by the end of next year.”
The scouts will use the facility for its weekly meetings and other activities, while the Armidale Blues will likely utilise it as a social room for after matches.
The scouts are currently based at the old council depot at the end of Taylor Street and were previously using Legacy Hall.
Ms Zwiebel said she was looking forward to the day the keys were handed over for the new building.
“A lot of work has gone into this and I think it’ll just be a relief when it’s all done,” she said.

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