Break and enters on the increase

A recent spate of break and enters into residential homes has prompted Armidale Police to advise members of the community to be vigilant.
Armidale Police are emphasising the importance of implementing simple security when it comes to protecting your home and property. Remember to lock your doors at night and keep your home secure whether you are at home, at work or on holiday. Thieves are on the lookout for easy targets, so the harder a target you make yourself, the less likely you are of becoming a victim.
On Thursday February 9, 2012 Armidale Police arrested a 19-year-old Armidale man in relation to a break and enter into a residential home in Mann Street, Armidale. Armidale Police are currently making further enquiries in relation to break and enter offences in the Armidale area and expect to make further arrests in the near future. The male was refused bail and is to appear before the Armidale Local Court on March 21, 2012.
If you become a victim of a break and enter offence call the police immediately, do not wait till the next morning to report the incident. Police need to be notified at the time the offence is occurring or as soon as possible after it has occurred. If you see something or someone suspicious or you hear something unusual pick up the phone and report it to the police. For more information about home security or should you require any further advice please feel free to call Senior Constable Mandy Vaughan, New England LAC Crime Prevention Officer at the Armidale Police Station on 6771 0699.
The New England LAC needs your help to combat home break ins, by following these few simple tips and taking the time to make yourself a harder target, we can work together to protect your property and prevent theft. Should you see any suspicious activity around your own or your neighbours’ home, please call police immediately. The Armidale Police Station can be contacted on 6771 0699 and in the event of an emergency please call 000.

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