Finding the way to Mt Kilimanjaro

Armidale women Deb Warren and Jenny Croaker invite the New England community to support their Mt Kilimanjaro trek for Guide Dogs NSW/ACT at a fundraising movie night this Friday, with a screening of The Way, 5.00pm for 5.20pm at Belgrave Cinema, Armidale.
In November 2012, Deb, who uses a guide dog and Jenny, who works for Guide Dogs across the New England, are climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. In the months leading up to the trek, they have pledged to raise a minimum of $30,000 to help Guide Dogs establish a breeding program and continue its guide dog training program.
“It’s a long way outside our comfort zones and we will need to get very fit to cope with trekking up to six to eight hours a day; however, we see it as an opportunity to do something worthwhile for an organisation for which we have great respect,” says Deb.
Tickets $17, available from: Reflections Hair Studio, Jessie St and Isabella’s Fine & Antique Jewellery in The Mall, Armidale. Remaining tickets will be available in the cinema foyer from 4.30 on May 25.
For more information, please call Jenny Croaker on 0429 309 379.

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