Cheque out this patchwork

Robyn Wood, president of the Quilters and Patchworkers of New England presents Max Tavener, vice-president of Armidale Legacy and secretary Joan Dwyer with a cheque for $4100, with QPNE members in the background.

A CHEQUE for $4100 was presented to representatives of Armidale Legacy last Thursday by members of the Quilters and Patchworkers of New England (QPNE) who once again held their successful annual quilting and needlework exhibition in Legacy House earlier this year.
Funds raised were from the very popular quilt raffle held every year during the exhibition.
“This is a record for our quilt raffle for 2013 and we are very pleased to present Legacy with a check to help with the wonderful work they do with their widows and legatees,” Robyn Wood, president of the QPNE said.
“We always hold our exhibition in Legacy House here in Armidale – it is a wonderful venue, central and they make us very welcome.”
President Robyn Wood would like to thank all the members of the QPNE for a terrific combined effort, selling raffle tickets and producing the quilt for the raffle.

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