Reconciliation feet first

THE Fourth Annual Armidale Reconciliation Bridge Walk will take place at Stephens Bridge this Sunday at noon.
Local reconciliation group, ANTaR, is organising the walk which commemorates the massive Sydney Bridge Walk 12 years ago when 300,000 people walked across the Harbour Bridge and “Sorry” was written across the sky.
Reconciliation is a people’s movement and is centred on building understanding at an individual level. Reconciliation Week provides an opportunity for all Australians, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal to continue the conversation about what we share, and disparities that we need to rectify.
The theme for Reconciliation Week 2013 is “Let’s Talk Recognition”, with a focus on how Australians can better recognise each other, and recognise the contributions, cultures and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
After the bridge young Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal speakers will be talking about what reconciliation means to them. This will be followed by a picnic lunch at the picnic area. We hope you will come along and join us.
It will be a great opportunity to meet and chat with friends, meet some new people, listen to our speakers and enjoy a lunch together. Everyone is invited to bring a picnic. ANTaR will provide tea, coffee, sausages and vegie burgers.

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