‘Experience the Highs’ campaign update

The ‘Experience the Highs’ Facebook page is getting the thumbs up by target markets. IMAGE: DANIELI STUDIOS

The regional tourism cam-paign: New England High Country’s ‘Experience the Highs’ was launched at the New England Regional Art Museum on June 25, 2012 and the Campaign Coordinator, Tony Broomfield, said the results to date have been extremely positive.
Tourism is a major industry within the local economy, with an estimated contribution in excess of $60 million in 2009-2010. Developed to address the needs of visitors, the new tourism campaign takes a novel approach to grow this contribution. Armidale, Guyra, Uralla and Walcha came together to produce a brand new glossy Visitor Guide, an exciting new website, an iPad app featuring exceptional 360 degree panoramic views of the region, and a comprehensive social media and PR campaign. An app for iPhones is also being developed.
Mr Broomfield has urged locals to check out the material themselves and pass on links to those they know outside the region.
The social media side of the campaign has been particularly pleasing for the four New England councils, with 943 ‘likes’ on Facebook as of last week – many of those coming from the targeted Sydney market.
Over $100,000 has been invested into the campaign, with a 50 per cent contribution from Destination NSW, through Inland NSW Tourism. The remainder came from the four collaborating New England councils.
Mr Broomfield said that people come to visit a region, not a local government area and ultimately it is hoped that this region will become recognised as New England High Country.
“Natural attractions make the Blue Mountains instantly recognisable to prospective visitors; they don’t think of Katoomba or Blackheath,” he said.

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