Taking the garden home

Seniors and volunteers preparing their flower and herb pots: from the left: Marg Wild, Sheila Sewell, Audrey Cutler, Joan Dwyer, Joy Witherden and Greta Johnson.

It was a wet Thursday but it didn’t deter members of Care for Seniors from preparing pots and selecting flowers and herbs to be taken home to be grown, used and enjoyed.
This is a project of Uniting Community Garden of the Uniting Church with the Care for Seniors program in Kent House.
“It is believed this is a first for a community garden in the country. Instead of expecting people to always come to the garden, the garden goes out to them,” said Graham MacKay from the Uniting Church.
This project was made possible by the generosity of Bunnings, who supplied all the materials for the project’s implementation and success.
“This activity has been incorporated into the wide ranging programs for Armidale Care for Seniors Inc which meets every second and third Tuesday of the month and the first to fourth Thursday of the month,” said Cheryl Alchin, a coordinator of the day care programs.
Those participating in the project will receive regular home visits from the Community Garden members and it is planned that pots will be collected and repotted at the Community Garden for winter plants next year. More details concerning the project and the Uniting Community Garden can be obtained from Graham MacKay 6772 1482

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