Around the Grounds

Armidale Ex-Services Men’s Bowls
Dad’s Army results from Wednesday: Winners F Swanson, E Brunner, B Burrows. Runners-up J Swanson, R Adamson, M Ahoy.
Some close games were played in the club fours over the weekend with the highlight being the game between Neil Philp, Phil Turner, Chalkie Faulkner and Glenn Farrell who were up against John Waters, Andrew McLennan, Brian Battersby and Bill Widders.
Bill and team shot away early to take a 9-5 lead after six ends before Fazz and his troops hit back to lead 14 -10 after 12 ends. The lead then changed two more times to see Fazz ahead 20-18 on the last end.
Bill’s side could only pick up one shot on the last end to go down 20 -19.
In other games Laurie Williams, D McLean, P Robinson defeated John Hamel, Doug Dixon and Reg Nelson 20-15 with both teams being a player short. Then Laurie’s team was defeated by Cec Davis, Bob Cutmore and Scott Froome with both sides also playing a player short.
While in the last game Clifton Marshall kept improving with his new bowls again relegating last year’s winning skip Paul Bullen back to second and promoting Justin Bullen to third along with Gerry Widders defeated Peter Cutmore, Bud Ahoy, Ron Pennell and Mike Ahoy 22-12 in an entertaining game.
In minor singles, Justin Bullen is through to the semi-final after defeating Bud Ahoy 31-9. No competition games will be held this Saturday with the lady bowlers holding their mixed carnival.
Competition games set down Sunday 20 October at 9.30am. Major/Minor Fours. G Farrell, D Faulkner, P Turner, N Philps v C Marshall, J Bullen, P Bullen, G Widders. Winners to play at 1.15pm against C Davis, B Cutmore, S Froome, Emo. Also at 1.15pm B Pennell will play C Smith in consistency singles.
The Open Singles will be played on the 9-10 November with set play being used for this event, this event is open to all servies bowlers both male and female major and minor bowlers and closes on Saturday 2 November.

Armidale Ex-Services Women’s Bowls
CONGRATULATIONS to Kim Porter winning the minor singles final.
Kim defeated Briana Graham who in her first year made the final.
Kim has played outstanding bowls all year and has been rewarded by also taking out the club singles, club pairs, runner-up in the minor major pairs and now is in the consistency final which is yet to be played.
Congratulations to the Servies team who won the first round of the inter club challenge match against City winning 58 to 52. The return match is to be held this Sunday 27 October starting at 9.30am. Players selected for this match are T.Miller, B. Graham, L. Apthorpe, B. Johnson, P.Johns, E. Brunner, A. Peters, M. Drozdowski, K. Fittler. Go Servies.
On Saturday 26 October is our Friendship day carnival, morning tea is at 9.30am, cost is $45 per team which includes lunch. There will be raffles and prize money up for offer.
Results from Queen of the green M. Drozdowski defeated L. Apthorpe. Results from three bowl pairs M. Drozdowski, L. Robinson defeated L. Apthorpe, B. Johnson and the results from consistency K. Porter defeated K. Fittler. Results from social pairs B. Johnson, A. Peters defeated K. Fittler, J. Marquardt. Dates to remember Friday 1 November starting at 5.30pm is the first round of twilight, teams are triples. Open singles are being held on Saturday and Sunday 9 and 10 November.

Armidale City Men’s Bowls
RESULTS of games played last weekend: Minor Fours. K luxford, B Witherdin, L Apthorpe, C McFayden defeated J Carey, A Carey, D Cuskelly, M Carey 20 to 16.
Major Minor Fours. B Tonnet, G Porter, T Inman, R Chetwynd defeated I Inman, N Hiscox, R Strahle, G Harrison 31 to 12.
Monday Social Bowls winners were F Bourke and M Ahoy with the runners up being N Philp and C McFayden.
Games set down for next weekend:
Saturday 26 October. 1pm start.
Minor Fours. K luxford, B Witherdin, L Apthorpe, C McFayden play C Pell, B Johnson, P Bourke, W McFayden.
Sunday 27 October, 1pm start.
Minor Fours. P Wadleigh, J Whitton, M Henderson, T Ogilvie play I Inman, J Prince, T Inman, A McMillan.
Major Triples Semi Final. P Wheaton, G Porter, P Doyle play G Latham, L McIntyre, C Brodbeck.
A special twilight bowls afternoon will be held on Wednesday 6 November and we have been lucky to secure the services of four of the all-time greats to join us. These players are Karen Murphy, Kay Moran, Kelvin Kerkow and Steve Glasson and they will available for any tips or problems you may want to talk to them about. Names for the night should be placed on the board and the starting time will be around 6pm.
Bowlers please note that nomination sheets are now on the bowls noticeboard for the 2014 Club Champions.
Congratulations to Todd Fuller who has been selected to play for Country in the annual City verses Country series to be played at Cabramatta in November.

Armidale Women’s Bowling Club
On Tuesday 15 October the first round of the Inaugural Versatility Triples sponsored by the Armidale Pharmacy was played.
Results: D Clutterbuck’s team defeated M MacGregor’s team and D Moloney’s team drew with L Radlingmayr’s team: L Halloran’s team defeated G Holmes’ team. One social game was played and M Dawson, J Hardman defeated I Myhill and J Green. The second round of the Versatility Singles and Pairs played on Friday 18 October completed this competition and results are: Congratulations to L Halloran, M Fergusson F Bourke who top scored with 64 points and this team will be presented with their prizes on Presentation day. We are very grateful to our sponsor Amos and look forward to his continued support in 2014.
The lucky voucher winners this week were Robbie and Esme on rink 3 and Umpire Beryl also received one for her services, the hundred club was a winner for Barbara Mitchell with Margaret James coming in second and President Dos taking out third place. Welcome home to Judy Hardman who has been touring for several months.
Congratulations to the Ex-Service’s ladies who defeated Armidale in the interclub match on Sunday winning by six shots overall. The return match will be on Sunday 27 October at Ex-Service’s.
Four members of our club played in the South Tamworth Carnival at the weekend and had a great time, did not win any prize money but Dora won towels and Dos won twice on the one hundred club.
The next competition will be the Patron’s Singles and a nomination sheet is on the Board for the Elsie Burgess Singles.

Uralla Bowls
Draw for Sunday 27 October competition: P Armstrong , G Scott, S Cox and L Ward play M Doron, W Doron, S Bourke and P Leggatt.

Armidale Men’s Golf
THE Dumaresq Cup, a 4BBB competition sponsored by the Schaefer and Baillie Families, was played on Saturday.
Rick Barrett and Geoff Kempster won on a countback from Greg Hickey and Anthony Williams with 47 points, third to John Schuman and Anthony Connors 46 points, the ballcomp down to 43 points.
Nearest the pins: Imperial Hotel; fourth Ian O’Callaghan, Wakley Golf; seventh Vanessa Ward, Grand Hotel; 11th Matt Schaefer, Whitebull Hotel; 12th John Schuman and the Pro Pin 14th Sue Davies.
The Walkley Cup Black Tee Challenge was played on Thursday.
Jeffrey Myers with 40 points won A Grade from Geoff Kempster 39 points, B Grade to Rod Davis 39 points and second Harold Holloway 37 points.
The individual stableford was played on Tuesday. Geoff Kempster was in the winner’s circle in A Grade with 43 points, runner-up Brad Gibson 41 points. B Grade to Tony Duff 43 points from Fred Marshall 41 points.
Next Saturday is the Mixed Foursomes Championships sponsored by Jacqie and Craig Morgan, Mary Dufty and Craig Hyde and also an individual stableford. Good luck.

Armidale Women’s Golf
VIRGINIA Vale has found her land legs after being at sea for some months. Virginia won last Wednesday’s Individual Stableford with 36 points in Division 1.
Division 2 winner on 37 points was Heather McPhie.
Division 3 winner Anne Maher had another excellent round with 39 points.
The ball count went down to 33.
Nearest the pins went to Chris Russell on the 7th hole (250cm) Carmel Truscott (380cm) on the 14th.
Sue Davies was the winner of the two-day eclectic on 52 points. Runner-up Anne Maher 50 points.
There have been some good scores recorded over the past few weeks.
Phoebe Court played exceptionally well to come in with 47, Sue Davies 45 and Anne Maher 42.
Di Chambers and Kate Dugdale are the last two standing in the Chapman Family Knockout Competition and a result is expected in the next fortnight.
Congratulations to Amanda Carr who blitzed the field at the Sawtell Two Day Tournament, finishing nine shots ahead of her nearest rival.

Uralla Golf Club
GRAEME Carlon returned to the course after a long holiday and obviously the travelling did not affect his golf as his 42 points made him a clear winner from Barry Cameron who counted out Dave Mitchell, both on 39 points.
K-Mart Northam was the sponsor for an American foursome on Saturday and a great day was had by all who played. Winners were Neil Bullen and Gerry Davis. They returned a par round off the stick for a 64 nett. Bullo would not be able to remember the last time he had a six handicap and could not believe his luck.
Next best were the Barraclough brothers Shane and Jason followed by Peter McLeish and Ross (the 16th does not worry me) Anderson.
Ian (FG) Douglas and Bill Pittaway rounded out the top four placings.
Nearest the pin winners were Lorraine Glock, Community Mutual third, Neil Bullen sixth, Shane Barraclough NAB 15th and Peter McLeish Bridges Finance 17th.
It would be remiss of me not mention that Peter McLeish and Ross Anderson and the skins game Crewy and I had on the side. They reckoned that I would not mention the fact that they managed to get Crewy and I for $2, but I should just like to remind them that is just a little bit back from what has been exchanged over the years. Well done boys but don’t get too carried away just yet.
At the time of doing this report no results were available from the Can Assist Charity Day and hopefully these can be published next edition.
November is a very busy time for the Uralla Golf Club with 2-3 November being a 36-hole competition with a separate event each day in conjunction, this will enable players to play on one of either days or on both days. This weekend is sponsored by McRae’s Bus Services.
Onfollowing Saturday sees the Uralla ladies open 4BB. These two weekends clash with the Ladies and Men’s jug events at Armidale and we are hopeful of getting plenty of visitors from Armidale as well as other surrounding clubs.
The annual three days of open golf at Uralla takes place on 22, 23 and 24 November. Friday is the veteran’s open with a shotgun start at 10am.
On Saturday, the Uralla open mixed 4BBB will held in conjunction with the CNDRG mixed championships and on Sunday the Uralla open Men’s 4BBB will be played. Nomination sheets are available so contact the club to organise your games.
Next Saturday Tiger Clutterbuck is sponsoring an individual stableford.
Good golfing.

Armidale Table Tennis Club – Spring Competition Round 3
THE Persian Cats faltered against the Symbiotic Drive team 16-25.
The captain’s match was shockingly good as Robert Ramajani claimed victory over Neil Dunstan 4-2 sets.
The first set was a mighty deuce as Robert took the early lead and tenaciously hung onto it until a couple of zippy slams from Neil tied up the score at 10-all. The deuce game was strong and Neil countered Robert’s classy serves with some nice flicks and took the set.
Robert dominated the next three sets and barely allowed a determined Neil into the match. In the fifth set, Neil established a lead by pushing Robert back from the table with fine slams that Robert could only return from a distance just to be met by another slam.
It was Neil’s set but Robert gained a lead in the sixth to hold on and take the set and match. Ben McPhilips had a tough battle with Margaret Marrum in the match of the number threes.
Ben took the first three sets quite comfortably although Margaret did not give any easy points with her determined play. The fourth set looked similar until, at five-all, Margaret hit a purple patch and edged a few balls singingly past Ben’s bat to take the set.
Ben fired up for the fifth set and did not allow Margaret an opportunity to get into the set and he took the match four sets to one.
The King Pong team just edged out the On Call team, 21 to 20 in a tough encounter for both teams and epitomised by the match between Ben Kertson and Tara Ponsaign. Tara took the first set, confounding Ben with his wily spins. However, Ben has improved his game and demonstrated this by coming from behind to deuce the second set. Tara’s serve hit Ben’s bat and went way off the table at the oddest angle and then followed up with the next point to win the set. Tara took the third set quite easily with his spins now flowing. But Ben hung in there and deuced Tara again in the fourth set, and then won it with a couple of good slams. Tara countered with ever-more spin treats and settled the match four sets to one.
The Return team swallowed up the Dixie Chicks and did not let them even sniff victory, winning 28 to 13. Matti Meskanen did his best for Dixie and took on Stefan Horarik with verve and an array of shots to puzzle Stefan. However, Stefan’s game has definitely improved, especially his forehand top spins, and he used this with aplomb to deuce Matti and claim the set. Matti sliced and chopped affectively in the second set and kept more to Stefan’s backhand to win it. Stefan wasn’t fazed and took the game up to Matti, deucing the third set before Matti’s swift low serves gave him the edge. Matti concentrated on his serves and comfortably took out the fourth set and match but he knew he’d been in a battle against a strong hard-hitting Stefan.

Basketball results
THE full term draw has been completed and will be at the stadium and sent out over the weekend. If anyone finds an error, or you realise your team is on excursion, please contact Judy by email on immediately. There is one game at the OConnor stadium on some Tuesdays at 4.20pm. Please read the draw carefully.
Extra players are needed for the Ballistics B grade team and some of the men’s mystery teams, if you know of people who are looking for a game.
Bruthas – Adam Spencer, Martin Smith, Justin Duncan, Nathan Gwynne,Shaughn Vines, Colin Starkey,
Adamantium – Yani Priestly, Mark Doyle, Mika Rasiga, Daryl Lasat, Jalon Marshall, James Halliburton.
The Goodies – Jimmy Dent, Jake Compton, Stephen Snape, Will Pankhurst, Conor Chalmers, Zac Smith, Rick Porter
Superstars – Matur Maluach, Koniy Madid, Bernie Schaefer Model, Seamus Druitt, Mangarchot Maluach, Oliver Wheatley.
Referees will be scheduled later. Players are requested to urgently return all borrowed uniforms as the uniform sets are badly depleted. Please check in your wardrobes and bring them in. Used shirts need to be placed in the white basket near the office after every game.
Monday evenings will be a challenge as we have plenty of Miniballers playing and need one extra game time. We will be allowing 50 minutes for each game and we hope to be super organised in getting them on and off the court in record time.
For new players and teams in the senior graded competitions, we would like to remind people to ensure there are two players to score the game before or after theirs. The scoring teams are listed in brackets.
Junior grades only will need to have friends and supporters to do the scoring for their own game. It takes about two minutes to learn and the more you do it, the better at it you get.
Round 3 Monday 28 October
Supervisors: Kim Battin, Michelle Pankhurst
Court 1
7pm MBC Blasters v Tas White (Bruthas)
7.50pm Men’s Mystery Bruthas v Superstars (Tas White)
8.40pm Men’s Mystery The Goodies v Adamantium (Superstars)
Court 2
7pm MBC Bulls v Ballistics (Tas Blue)
7.50pm MBC Old Crocs v Tas Blue(Ballistics)
Tuesday 29th October
Court 1
4.20pm Yr 7/8 Mixed Tas Arrows v Plc Bulls
5.10pm Yr 7/8 Mixed Tas Rockets v Duval Chaos
6pm Yr 9/10 Mixed Jelly Frogs v Fire Breathing Duckies
6.50pm Yr 9/10 Mixed Tas Titans v Plc Heat
7.40pm Yr 9/10 Mixed Tas Troopers v Fireballz
8.30pm Snr Mixed Bruthas & Sistas v Glooby (Comets)
Court 2
4.20pm Yr 7/8 Mixed Tas Missiles v Plc Hornets
5.10pm Yr 7/8 Mixed Tas Jets v Bluetongue Go Go
6pm Yr 9/10 Mixed Tas Thunder v OConnor Red
6.50pm Yr 9/10 Mixed Tas Lightning v Plc Clippers
7.40pm Snr Mixed Tropicals v Comets (Bruthas & Sistas)
8.30pm Snr Mixed Harry Hornets v Code Yellow (Tropicals)
OConnor Stadium
4.20pm Yr 7/8 Mixed Ahs v OConnor Blue
Bye: 7/8 Penguins, 9/10 OConnor White
Round 3 – Wednesday 30 October
Court 1
6pm Div 1 Cougars v Fiikl (Green Machine)
6.50pm Div 1 Hooperstars v Green Machine (Cougars)
7.40pm Div 2 Siriusly Amazing v Action Apples (Sista Gals)
8.30pm Div 2 Jetts v Sista Gals (ActionApples)
Court 2
6pm Div 1 Tiddas v Sistas (Fiikl)
6.50pm Div 1 Plc Jazz v Funkhair (Sistas)
7.40pm Div 2 Duval Shocking v Hustlers (Duval Shocking)
8.30pm Div 2 Negs Panthers v Plc Suns (Negs Panthers)
THE tentative teams for miniball are listed below. The teams are a guideline and will be added to and adjusted where needed.
Timeslots have been slightly changed to fit in an extra game. Please try to be at the stadium 10 minutes early to help get onto the court as soon as possible.
Don’t forget the training session on Wednesdays at 4.30pm for all Miniballers. There is no cost to the training and you don’t even have to play basketball to attend.
Blue Ice – Anneika Waters , Zac Phoo, Zac Grant, Ellen Kirk, Maddison Campbell, Alicia Chapman
Yellow Yowies – Harry Pankhurst, Tom Pankhurst, Mark Cuskelly, Hamish Doak, Javan Smith, Zac Smith, Lilli Bridge
Years 5/6:
Pink Panthers – Conor Marshall, Will Porter, Lachlan Montgomery, Riley Doak, Will Robinson
White Knights – Charlie Serow, Liam Stuart, Heyden Wilson, Charlie Fittler, Fletcher Chappel/Davis, Riley Allcock, Eli Sisson, Alex Kirk
Red Ravens – Sam Watson, Callum Watson, Patrick, Nikita and Kearla Hoskins Caldwell, Darcy Barker, Luke Shirlaw. Katie Whitton
Please check the schedule for Monday’s game.
A reminder to parents and players that game fees for miniball are $5 per week or $35 per term. Please check at the office if your child has any outstanding game fees.
We also need parents and supporters to help out scoring games. This takes two minutes to learn and is not very hard. Please put your hand up when your child is playing their game.

S.S.A.A Shooting Report
A NICE sunny day last weekend, Sunday 20 October for a 50m Hunter Rimfire Benchrest event. Custom and Traditional rifles were used. In the Custom event John H come in first with a score of 249.11, Megan W 248.09 came second on a countback from Richard D 248.09 third, followed by junior shooters Kolja D-C 240.03 and Henry P 236.03. In the Traditional Class, Norm W came in first 247.09, followed by Darryl S 236.02 second.
Members also used the Benches for general shooting.
This weekend Sunday, 27 October 2013 a Field Rifle event will be held at the Armidale range with the gate opening at 9 am and shooting commencing at 9.30 am.
Another fencing working bee will be held at the “Hardacres” property on Sunday, 27 October. We will leave the club house at 9am to head out and look forward to seeing you there.
General enquiries: Branch President on mobile 0411 445 897 or email Discipline enquiries: Benchrest/Blackpowder 6772 7063; Field Rifle amd Metallic Silhouette, 6775 3200; Military Service, 6778 7362; RBA/IRB, 6775 1251; Single Action, mob: 0413 025 831 or 6772 7750 (ah); Big Game Rifle, 6771 3327; For SSAA Pistol enquiries to Chairperson, on 6778 4747.

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