Votes cast for new prefects

ELEVEN New England Girls’ School Prefects were inducted at a special ceremony followed by a morning tea reception on 8 October.
After votes were cast by staff and students from grades 7 to 12, the 2014 school leaders were announced at the first assembly of the term.
The outgoing prefect body handed over the school cross and the responsibility of leading to the new prefect body and pledged a leadership declaration on stage.
The 2014 prefects highlight the diversity of the school with students represented from Hong Kong to Moree to Armidale.
The prefects have just returned from a two-day leadership camp in Coffs Harbour and on 30 October will join student leaders from across the state for a leadership conference in Tamworth.
At the forum they will participate in innovative, high energy workshops aimed at developing their leadership skills.
Sessions will include: sports and house captaincy, public and motivational speaking, organising and running successful events, developing leadership qualities in others, dealing with conflict and creating a positive school culture.
Prefect co-ordinator Consuela Despi says the students are looking forward to the forum, which she hopes will provide them with valuable and practical skills.
“The conference concentrates specifically on training student leaders for their role as school leaders and the style, topics, and content of this conference all focus on what the students can do to succeed in student leadership.”
Topics on the day will include: “What makes a successful School Captain”, “Creating unity at school” and “Creating house spirit – lessons from Cathy Freeman”.

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