Cyclists take up challenge

Courteny Higgin Bottom and Brodie Morgan.

SUSTAINABLE Living Armidale’s Transport Group convenor, Tom Fisher, was thrilled with the public response to Bike Week activities.
The week concluded on Saturday afternoon at The Finish Line, with awards and the draw for a new commuter bike, valued at $400.
The inaugural Commute Challenge involved 50 local residents logging their non-recreational bike journeys last week. In total they rode 2912 kilometres to work, school, shops etc.
“The alternative would have been car journeys, so we’re impressed that this effort not only reduced pollution, but contributed to individual health, not to mention freeing up car parking spaces,” Mr Fisher said.
“We hope to make this an annual event, and encourage more and more people to ride on a regular basis.”
The Golden Wheel Award for the team clocking up the most kilometres was won by Zodiac. Team members Mark Robinson and and Tumi Thorsteinsson are both students at the Armidale Waldorf School, who ride to school every day. During Bike Week they covered 326km.
Around 100 people were in the draw for the new commuter bike, including all the participants in last week’s Ride In The Park, and those in the Commute Challenge.
The bike, valued at $400, was won by Min Gan, a staff member at UNE.
Mr Fisher said SLA received support from NSW Roads and Maritime Services for Bike Week publicity.
The group is also grateful for assistance with prizes and other costs, to local sponsors: UNE Sports Union; Goldfish Bowl Café; Bodiwel; Able Bodies; Bullens Bicycle Centre; Armidale Dumaresq Council; Neville’s Corner Store; the Mountain Bike Club and Armidale Farmers’ Market.

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