Flight school takes off


CONFIDENCE in Armidale’s future is sky high for owner of GoFly Aviation Damien Wills, who has expanded his recreational flight school to Armidale.
Mr Wills said he and his family fell in love with Armidale about five years ago and purchased land in the area not long after. However purchasing a business in Queensland delayed their move until now.
“I started flying when I was 14 years of age and got my commercial pilot’s licence when I was 19,” Mr Wills said.
“I did some charter flying up in the Northern Territory for three years. I didn’t want to join an airline – I wanted to be an instructor and teach people to fly. I had a break from flying when I first got married and we had kids and eventually I got back into instructing.”
Mr Wills purchased a flight school in Queensland and expanded the business to two flight schools and has now included a third in Armidale.
“We offer recreational flight training which is flight training that is made more affordable,” he said.
“Whether you are learning for fun or career, recreational offers you an easier entry path into learning to fly and we do that in a vibrant, friendly environment.”
In Armidale, GoFly Aviation will offer training in a new Teknam Eaglet which is a popular light sport aircraft.
Armidale Dumaresq Councillor Andrew Murat who has been leading the charge for the upgrade of the Armidale Airport said that the new flight school will be a great addition to the services already available at the airport.
“We appreciate Damien giving Armidale the attention he is about to give us,” Cr Murat said.
“The potential to get a flying school started here with growth considering he has two other flying schools in Queensland is fantastic.
“There could be some jobs for local people and career opportunities for young people wanting to get into aviation through flight training.”
With the recent funding announcement for the upgrade of the Armidale Airport, the future looks bright for the aviation facility.
“The upgrades planned at the airport over the next two years will allow for five major developments,” Cr Murat said.
“Super Air want to extend their hanger, Fleet Helicopters are looking for a new hanger, Edwards Aviation as a separate venture to their flying business are looking to put in a 100-vehicle, fully enclosed carpark.
“And Avis is looking to put an office and detailing workshop for their fleet of cars and of course the new flying school run by GoFly Aviation are all businesses establishing or growing because of the funding that council has been able to secure for the airport.”

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