Life Membership awarded to four Armidale teachers

A special dinner was held by the Armidale Teachers Association to recognise four long standing teachers with Life Membership.
Sandra Free, Dick Prosser, Peter Smith and Sandra Stroud have all played very active roles in the Armidale Association, with Mr Prosser being President from 1990-99, Mr Smith being immediate past President 2009-2011, Ms Free being Treasurer 2001-12, and Ms Stroud being Federation Representative at Duval High School for many years.
Association President, Elizabeth O’Hara, conducted the evening and welcomed the large number of guests, including New England Regional Organiser of the NSW Teachers Federation, Ms Mel Smith.
In introducing the four recipients, Ms O’Hara said, “It is a privilege to recognise the commitment of these four teachers to the students in public schools over four decades.
“In so doing, they have served in a number of local communities and promoted the cause of Public Education with enthusiasm and undoubted success.”
On receiving his Life Membership, Dick Prosser thanked those in attendance.
“I greatly appreciate the recognition this award represents as I have always considered advocating for students and teachers in Public Education to be a very important aspect of my role as an educator.”
The importance of the role of advocacy for teacher activists was outlined by the testimonial from Duval Principal, Stafford Cameron, in his support of Sandra Stroud’s nomination.
“It takes a special sort of person to be a Federation Representative in the first place, let alone to be one who has the trust and confidence of the staff and the Principal.
“Ms Stroud has a deep commitment to the students at our school and, in a broader sense, to all children who are supported by Public Education in NSW.”
In accepting her Life Membership Sandra Stroud was proud to be an active member of an organisation that focusses on improving the outcomes achieved by public education.
“We have progressed a long way since I taught a Year 8 class consisting of 44 students in 1972 — a significant improvement in the learning environment for students and working conditions of teachers.”
Ms Stroud’s words were mirrored by Ms Free and Mr Smith, upon having their Life Members’ badges pinned to their coats and receiving their letter of acknowledgement from the General Secretary of the NSW Teachers Federation, Ms Jenny Diamond.

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