Zonta awards winner in Public Affairs Program

The Zonta Club of Armidale presented its annual awards for Young Women in Public Affairs at a recent dinner meeting. The Awards recognise young women, who are still at school, for their outstanding contribution to their schools and the wider community.
Following interviews of the short-listed finalists, the judging panel of Zontians, Gail Mendoza (chair) and Ruth Machalias, and a guest panellist from the community Margaret Atchison, was faced with the task of choosing the winner from the group of accomplished young women.
For 2012 the winner is Hannah Grigg from Presbyterian Ladies’ College, who spoke to the Club members about “Boys don’t sing and girls aren’t allowed”. Her entry has been forwarded to the district level of Zonta International, and should she be successful, she will go on to the International level. While she valued some aspects of tradition, especially in the Arts, Hannah is aware that tradition continues to impede the progress of women into leadership roles and that she would face challenges in a male dominated world. She exhibited a strength of character, maturity and presence that the panel felt would assist her to achieve her goals.
The judges announced Annabel Stoddart from New England Girls’ School as the runner up. They were particularly impressed by Annabel’s clear career focus, which she associates with an effective pathway to make a difference in the status of women and her wish to use the political process to alleviate poverty which mostly impacts on women. Annabel spoke to the meeting about “Releasing Aspirations”.
Every year Zonta women look forward to this Award meeting in which the young women speak, and the President of Zonta Armidale, Ruth Machalias, and Vice President, Karen Tromp, commented on the high quality of the girls and the contribution they all make to their schools and community in academic and sporting fields and the arts.

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