RDA funding rounds close soon

Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI) is inviting applicants to submit Expressions of Interest (EOIs) by December 6 for projects that will support local economies, build dynamic communities and enhance liveability across the country under Rounds Three and Four of the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDA Fund).
Round Three is worth $50 million and will provide grants of between $50,000 and $500,000 for projects located in towns with a population of 30,000 or less.
Round Four will allocate $175 million through grants of between $500,000 and $15 million for priority regional infrastructure projects that also leverage funding from state and local governments and the private sector.
The RDANI committee will review EOIs from all potential applicants across the region and select five priority projects for Round Three and three priority projects for Round Four to proceed to full application.
Executive Officer of RDA Northern Inland, Nathan Axelsson, said that the funding is open to Local Councils and eligible not-for-profit organisations across the Northern Inland region.
“The RDA Fund is for infrastructure which addresses identified priorities and that relates to or supports the economy, the community, arts and culture or sport and recreation. We invite eligible applicants to submit an EOI by no later than December 6,” Mr Axelsson said.
When prioritising projects, the Federal Government has asked RDA committees to take into account regional priorities, the level of community support for the project, the impact of the project on the region and neighbouring regions, and its readiness to proceed.
More information, including the Rounds Three and Four Guidelines, can be found at www.regional.gov.au/regional/programs/rdaf or by contacting Regional Development Australia Northern Inland on (02) 6771 2790.

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