Fresh homemade pasta at Farmers’ Market

There will be a special treat available at the Armidale Farmers’ Market this Sunday, September 4: fresh homemade pasta.
A group of locals have been busy making pasta to sell so that money can be raised to support widows in a small rural location in Kenya.
Participants have joined together to make some intriguing new flavours (eg. zesty lemon and parsley, chilli, oregano and pepper and, wait for it, chocolate) as well as some old favourites (eg. egg, spinach).
The pasta will be for sale at the Farmers Market, who have donated a free stall, and all proceeds will go towards the Ebenezer Widows Group in Kenya.
At the Market, you can also pick up some local Winjana olives and olive oil to go with the pasta. With these ingredients (and a few other basics), you can make Pasta Puttanesca – easy and delicious.
The Armidale Farmers’ Market and Car Boot Sale is held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month from 8am to 1pm in Curtis Park. For more information call Robert Gasparre on 0414 478 308 or visit

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