Greens explain mining stance

Manning the barbecue are Salt Surf Club members Rob Blyth, Aaron Curtis and Ben Clement.

NSW Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon attended meetings with local Greens members in Tamworth and Armidale recently to discuss plans to expand and invigorate the party’s activities in the New England region.
Senator Rhiannon also took part in a panel discussion with other politicians at the ’Politics of Mining’ Conference at the University of New England.
“Our local Greens members have identified protecting farming land and water resources, truth in labelling on food products, local job creation and improved regional public services as priority areas throughout New England,” Senator Rhiannon said.
“I found our meetings very informative – local interest in the Greens grows once people hear about our commitment to standing up for local communities, farming land and environmental protection.”
“There are misconceptions about the Greens, which fall away once people know what we stand for, rather than just hearing from our opponents.”
New England Greens spokesperson, Pat Schultz said the weekend with Senator Rhiannon was very productive planning future activities.
“Our members are keen to broaden awareness of our policies on vital issues that directly affect farmers and local communities,” she said.
“Coal Seam Gas mining, such as that already occurring in Pilliga forest, is having a huge impact on the environment and on the Great Artesian Basin.
“We are working very closely with farming communities which are facing problems of CSG exploration and mining.
“This includes those related to living close to coal seam gas wells and the decrease in land values when areas, including vital agricultural lands, are invaded by the mining industry.”

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