Local food forum offers insight

ASK anyone whether they would like to be able to access more fresh local food and the answer will most probably be an enthusiastic ‘yes’.
Local food tastes good, keeps well and has low food miles, so most of us would no doubt enjoy the luxury of having more of it available.
At its next Thursday Forum, Sustainable Living Armidale will be exploring the topic of local food from a different angle, asking the question “who will produce it?” to kick start what promises to be an interesting and thought-provoking discussion, SLA is delighted to welcome Fiona and Derek Smith, offering some valuable insights from their own experience as local producers of fresh vegetables and open range eggs.
The SLA forum on Local food: who will produce it? will be held on Thursday 7 November, at 7pm at Kent House (141 Faulkner St, opposite Central Park).
Light refreshments will be provided with a focus on local food, naturally.
All welcome, a gold coin donation to SLA would be appreciated.

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