New prefects step up

WHEN prefects were first appointed at The Armidale School 120 years ago, few boys were keen to take up the office.
They believed that elevating some students over others ran against the egalitarian ideals of Australian society.
But far from conflicting with these ideals, the system recognises that there is a role for senior students in setting standards and examples for others, and particularly juniors, to follow, Headmaster Murray Guest told students and parents at an induction ceremony yesterday for the incoming TAS prefects.
“Prefectship is not a prize for what a boy has done already, nor is it an attempt to offer a good experience to a student who might be in need of that,” he said.
“Rather, it is a call to serve the school community over the coming year. The call is to assist the direction of the school in maintaining its standards in all areas; supporting students and inspiring pride in the school through good example.
“Above all, they have been called to join in our most important task – ensuring that every boy in this school is able to feel supported and is confident that his best efforts will be applauded and never derided.”
Senior prefect is Benjamin Mulligan, a boarder from Moree, while the deputy senior prefect is Harry Lloyd, a day student from Armidale.
Ben’s first official job was to officially farewell this year’s leavers at Valedictory Day last term, when he said the important thing was not so much what they achieved, but why.
“It would have been easy to sit back and watch the school take care of itself, but each of the Year 12 boys had a belief in himself and made TAS a better place for that,” he said.

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