your letters

Rate rise will hurt

applied to IPART for a special rate variation on top of the 2.6 per cent rate rise as pegged by the NSW Government. Not surprising was...

Global Warming: Carbon footprint a hoax

I refer to Chris Nadolny’s letter ‘Ross Garnault is correct’ in The Independent of 30 March. Chris’ interpretations of Wallace Broecker’s article in Nature...

Carbon footprint a hoax

I refer to Chris Nadolny’s letter ‘Ross Garnault is correct’ in The Independent of 30 March. Chris’ interpretations of Wallace Broecker’s article in Nature...

Local food and power for vote

The change in rhetoric from The Liberal Party, stating that climate change is ‘real’ could be said to be more symptomatic of modern politics....

World Red Cross Day and International Volunteers’ Week

As we prepare to celebrate both World Red Cross Day and International Volunteers’ Week in May, I would like to thank our many Red...

Council spending questioned

Page 6 of the Local News section in the PM Independent newspaper featured three main items, namely, “Water quality secured”, “Airport upgrade takes flight”,...

Asylum seekers a problem

As usual, I look forward to the Independent every Week for its coverage of everything of interest to us locally and notice with much...

Climate debate continues

The mention in despatches of my name by your correspondents, Stan Percy (Letters, Independent 31/3), I shall take this as a compliment from him. In his...

Leslie for the school

Congratulations to Leslie Williams for her success as our member in the recent State election. In regards to this, I could find no mention in...

Marine Parks to NSW Fisheries

NSW recreational fishers warmly welcome the transfer of Marine  Parks to NSW Fisheries (at last!). It has been an issue high on our “wish...

Climate change effort on agenda

In reply to Don Campbell’s letter published 17 April.  Mr Campbell is “one who maintains doubt and disbelief” to the science of anthropogenic climate...

Marine Parks to NSW Fisheries

NSW recreational fishers warmly welcome the transfer of Marine  Parks to NSW Fisheries (at last!). It has been an issue high on our “wish...