Slow start for Pottsville teams

Pottsville Beach Football Club’s Women’s fourth division played their first match for the season, on Sunday, April 1 against Bangalow at Bangalow.
What a cracker of a game for both teams, with the first goal being scored by Pottsville, and Bangalow following with their first goal soon after.
The final score was a two-all draw and the women from both sides gave their all.
The men’s first division went down 7-2 to Burringbar at Burringbar in extremely wet conditions.
The Men’s third division also went down in a 4-0 final with a very loose first half.
Neither team scored in the second half. The Men’s 6th division played Suffolk Park, a new club on the soccer radar and Pottsville won an exciting 2-1 encounter at their home grounds at Koala Beach.

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