Orienteering Club’s Twilight Series

The Northern Tablelands Orienteering Twilight Series commences today Wednesday, February 8 at the Armidale Arboretum. A set of four shorter, fun events, the Twilight Series is held in areas around Armidale on consecutive Wednesday evenings in February all commencing between 5.30 and 6.30pm.
The Series is a great opportunity for families and/or children to experience orienteering or for club members to get in a bit of extra training before the main season commences in March.
If you are new to orienteering and would like to give it a try please come along and enjoy our cooler summer weather, meet some of the club members and have a go. Orienteering is a low cost sport with little equipment needed and only relatively small participation fees. All you need is comfortable clothing, a watch, sturdy footwear and a hat if it is a warm day.
Directions to events can be found on the NTOC website (www.ntoc.asn.au) and orienteering “O’ signs are placed near event starts to help you find the location. The Twilight Series events are:
Wednesday February 8 – Armidale Arboretum (off Kentucky Street/Uralla Rd)
Wednesday, February 15 – Lookout/Drummond Park
Wednesday, February 22 – UNE
Wednesday, February 29 – To be advised

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