Olympic golden girl gives back

Former Armidale girl Kath Partridge returned this week on her way to Buderim on the Sunshine Coast where she is coaching the Australian Hockeyroos goalkeepers in preparation for their games against the USA in April.
Kath grew up in Armidale and attended O’Connor Catholic College. She began her hockey career playing for her school and later went on to represent NSW and Australia, where she represented the nation in 65 games. Kath won Olympic gold under current Kookaburra coach Ric Charlesworth. She retired in 1992 turning her attention to coaching and is now known as one of the most astute goalkeeping coaches in the world.
Kath made a special effort to stop in to Armidale and give a coaching session to Belinda Burton who plays goalkeeper for the Harlequins Hockey Club. Belinda was the recipient of the Hockey New England “Kath Partridge Perpetual Shield’ for the Under 21s Most Improved Goalkeeper for 2011. Belinda attends O’Connor Catholic College and only took up hockey in 2011 and has achieved and received recognition for her effort and performance as a goalkeeper. Belinda is also a squad member of the Northern Inland Academy of Sport (NIAS) hockey program for 2012.
Kath was impressed with Belinda’s skills, dedication and potential. She encouraged her to train hard, aim high and to take every opportunity to see where goalkeeping can take her.

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