Cudgen Headland look to dominate at country

An influx in strong female competitors may just be what the Cudgen Headland club needs to give them point-score victory at the NSW Country Surf Lifesaving titles this weekend at South West Rocks according to leading competitor Scott McCartney.
McCartney said the Cudgen club dominates at both a junior and senior level at the Country titles but the seniors usually fall just short of taking the point score.
However he said with several new competitors joining the club, they had their chance of winning the overall title.
He said with the addition of senior female competitors Maddie Berkeleg and Ellie Lever, from juniors Kendall Fitzgibbon, the club’s female ranks had been strengthened.
McCartney said while the club traditionally had a lot of strength and depth in the male ranks, there were not as many females competing which hurt them on the leader board.
“But with Maddie and Ellie in the open and Kendall in the juniors hopefully that will all change this year,” he said.
After State, the Cudgen competitors will begin preparation for the State titles to be held at Kingscliff for the second year in a row.

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