Winter cricket in Murwillumbah

The Rabjones/Cave Cricket Complex at Murwillumbah has had a very busy week with an Under 17 Northern Zone three day Carnival, a two day Veteran Carnival and a full training day forthe NSW Cricket Academy.
Despite the wet previous week the ground staff had the grounds in excellent condition for the important three day Under 17 carnival with very favourable reports coming back from visiting teams. This carnival has been held in Gloucester but there is now every chance that Murwillumbah will host the important selection trial in the future.
Tweed players involved were Alex Melville, who scored a fine 50, Ryan McCloy , Sam Yabsley and Liam Beattie. All players performed well and enhanced their selection chances against strong opposition.
The past weekend also saw the grounds very busy with Veteran matches against Queensland Cricket Club and the Sunshine Coast team the Antiquarians. Tweed lost to Queensland but fought back to win the Sunday match.
On the adjacent Les Cave Oval and nets 70 youngsters from the NSW Cricket Academy spent a very full and active Sunday with a multitude of cricket activities.

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