Rams U18s win third premiership

The Armidale Rams U18s side celebrates after their win.

The Armidale Rams U18s have claimed the Group 19 premiership for the third year in a row, after defeating Glen Innes 24-22 on Saturday, September 1.
The young Rams made a triumphant effort, coming from fourth to take out the 2012 title.
The game was a thriller, with the lead chopping and changing throughout. With ten minutes to go, the Rams had a ten-point lead but Glen Innes came back strongly, scoring and converting in the dying minutes of the game. The Rams managed to hold on to win 24-22.
The defence of the Rams was outstanding, keeping Glen out five times over the line.
Try scorers for the Rams were Dylan Tanner, Jordan Moran, Jackson White, Jimmy Widders-Leece and Adam Croft, who nailed four from four conversions.
Dylan Tanner was named Man of the Match, with everyone of the U18s side putting in a tremendous effort, securing their third consecutive title; keeping the tradition of past U18s Rams alive.
In the Junior Rams, the U16s are looking to secure a Premiership win and the U10s have also made the grand final this coming weekend. Good luck to those teams and – Go the Mighty Rams.

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