Dragon boat rookies score big

Just a year ago Tami Tatana and Aaron O’Connor decided to try Dragon Boat racing.
The duo joined Lanakila, a newly formed team who train on Currumbin Creek.
“I liked that they were a fresh new team with mostly beginner paddlers, but still keen competitors,” Aaron said.
Both Aaron and Tamara competed in a series of regattas, including the State and National championships. Aaron made the Queensland team, scoring gold, while Tamara’s crew qualified for the 2012 World Club Championships in Hong Kong.
“The atmosphere at the Nationals was amazing,” Tamara said.
“I can’t wait to race against teams from around the world.”
Ever thought you’d like to try paddling in a dragon boat?  Lanakila dragon boat club invite you to try it out.
“We are having two ‘come and try’ days, so members of the community can come and give it a go,” President Bernie Rix explained.
“It really is an addictive sport, very social yet full on. There are 22 people in a boat, so we are always looking for new members.”
It has been a successful season for Lanakila, strongly competing at every regatta.
“At the Nationals, we made every grand final against teams who have paddled together for years, and took third place overall in the Women’s Premier division,” Trishelle Grady said.
“This automatically qualifies our premier ladies (Under 40) a place at the World Club Championships in Hong Kong next year. Our aim this season is to qualify in Men’s and Masters (40yr+) divisions.
“What makes it even more astounding is that most of our team are beginners.
“We have some really strong guys but we are keen to take a team of 20 to Hong Kong,” added Aaron O’Connor, the Men’s Captain.
If you are keen to give Dragon Boat racing a go, check the details at www.lanakilapaddlingclub.com or call Bernie on 0439 789268

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